Warmachine MKIV - Cygnar Stryker ( pip21004 )

Sale price $45.18
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The first wholly galvanic warjack to enter mass production in the service of the armies of Cygnar, the Stryker is powered not by a coal-fueled steam engine but by a mechanikal storm chamber. With access to an arsenal of devastating weapons, the Stryker is more than capable of delivering a swift reckoning to any opposition that is unfortunate enough to step into its path.

Includes one warjack chassis, eight customizable arm options and four customizable head options.


  • Its Accumulator special rule enables the Stryker to gain an extra focus point if it begins its activation within 3˝ of one or more Legionnaire models.
  • Its Overtake special rule enables the Stryker to advance up to 1˝ after it destroys one or more enemy models with a basic melee attack during its Combat Action.
  • On a critical hit with its Voltaic Hammer, the model hit is slammed directly away from the Stryker.

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