Warmachine MKIV - Dusk: Israfyl Character Pack

Sale price $12.99
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Built for the singular purpose of destroying anything and everything it confronts, the ghoulish Israfyl decimates its opposition with a pair of arcantrik serpentine blades. What it cannot reach with its telescoping blades, Israfyl destroys from afar with the wicked Death Whisper cannon mounted on its shoulder.

This warjack pack contains two weapon arms, a shoulder weapon, and a head for use with the House Kallyss Eidolon heavy warjack model. Four 1/8″ magnets are required for this kit, sold separately in the Privateer Press Hobby Magnet pack (PIP 21192).


  • 2 Weapon Arms
  • 1 Shoulder Weapon
  • 1 Head

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