Rejoignez-nous pour la seconde edition du Montreal Beavers Team Grand Tournament, samedi 12 et dimanche 13 avril à l'Abyss!
Déroulement de l'evenement:
- 20 équipes de 5 joueurs
- 5 rondes de 3 heures (2:45 de bagarre et 15 minutes pour les team pairings)
- Inscription: 450$ CAD pour l'équipe au complet.
- Repas inclus durant les 2 jours de l'évènement
- plusieurs prix et catégorie a venir:
--top 2 generals
--best painted
--Et plus a venir
Horaires du tournois:
----------------------------Jour 1--------------------------
- Ouverture des portes: 8am
- Speech de bienvenue: 8:45am
- Round 1: 9am -12pm
- Lunch: 12pm - 13pm (repas 1)
- Round 2: 13pm - 16pm
- Break: 16pm - 16h15pm
- Round 3: 16:15pm - 19:15pm
----------------------------Jour 2--------------------------
- Ouverture des portes: 8am
- Round 1: 9am -12pm
- lunch : 12pm - 13pm (repas 2)
- Round 2: 13pm - 16pm
- Ceremonie de cloture: 16:30pm
Le tournois sera sur le GHB 2024 2025
Join us for the second edition of the Montreal Beavers Team Grand Tournament, Saturday april 12 and Sunday april 13 at the Abyss!
Structure of the event:
- 20 teams of 5 players
- 5 rounds of 3 hours (2:45 of fighting and 15 minutes for team pairings)
- Registration: $450 CAD for the entire team.
- Meals included during the 2 days of the event
- several prizes and categories to come:
--top 2 General
--best painted
--And more to come
Tournament Schedule:
----------------------------Jour 1--------------------------
- Doors open: 8am
- Welcome speech: 8:45am
- Round 1: 9am -12pm
- Lunch: 12pm - 1pm (meal 1)
- Round 2: 1pm - 4pm
- Break: 4 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
- Round 3: 4:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
----------------------------Day 2--------------------------
- Doors open: 8am
- Round 1: 9am -12pm
- lunch: 12pm - 1pm (meal 2)
- Round 2: 1pm - 4pm
- Closing ceremony: 4:30 p.m.
The tournament will be on GHB 2024
Food and drinks available on site.
Outside food or drinks are prohibited. Thank you for understanding.