Orpheus: Crusade of Ashes
Orpheus: Crusade of Ashes
An invisible crusade is underway, and Orpheus Group is haunted by its past. Organization members are on the run from a mysterious adversary that commands Spectres, and from mercenaries with the powers of the dead. With their old lives shattered and the authorities in pursuit, can the characters survive what lies next? Pray they do, because the alternative offers no hope of salvation - not even in death.
Dead Men RunningCrusade of Ashes offers Storytellers and players alike more information on the continually evolving world of Orpheus. In this first supplement, the world changes... and not for the better. Complementing discussion and rules for surviving existence as fugitives are new enemies, new dangers and new rules for artifact creation, as well as a unique addition to the Storyteller system: crucible-oriented Merits and Flaws.