[…] So what you really are is a triple agent, a mute Tohaa ('le Muet': the mute, in French) not able to speak the pheromonic language, who roams the Human Sphere and will murder for any side. Your sole distraction is music, and mangling a harpset performance is your way to keep the stress and paranoia from driving you insane.
By now you're wondering whether this whole thing is OK. All these lies within lies, all this killing and harm. Let me put you at ease: it is. It is the right thing to do. It is necessary. Your race needs you. This is the only way to save our civilization, and you are a key component of this masterplan. Even if it takes messing with your memories like this.
To recap: your name is Armand le Muet. No, it isn’t. Your name is Armaan Leemue, or so you think. You are a hired assassin who will work for any side. But that is not entirely true, either. You are a traitor, infiltrated into the Human Sphere in service of the Evolved Intelligence. But that, too, is a smokescreen. You are a double agent working for the Tohaa Trident who has gained access to a clandestine Combined Army network. And you aren’t that at all. The truth is, you are an undercover Triumvirate operative furthering an agenda so secret that you can’t even remember it because I’m here editing your Cube memory every time you start piecing it together. All you need to know is that you are one of the most dangerous individuals in the Sphere. You are a professional and a virtuoso, and your impeccable skills are on offer for anyone with the money to pay for them. You also happen to love music, and you are the only person in the universe who thinks you can play well that blasted harpset.