This essential companion contains in-depth lore and inspiring artwork, plus full rules for using the Seraphon in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You'll venture into the cosmic secrets of the astromatrix, discover the many species that make up the Seraphon, and explore the history of their deep-seated hatred for the forces of Chaos.
This 120-page hardback book contains: – Extensive background information on the Seraphon, from their ancient origins and mysterious temple-cities to the Old Ones they worship – Stunning artwork that brings jungle realms and saurian warbeasts to life – 35 warscrolls with pitched battle profiles for Seraphon armies, from the awesome Slann Starmasters to the swift-clawed Raptadon Hunters – Rules for Starborne and Coalesced Seraphon, including command traits, artefacts, spells, battle traits, and the four mightiest Seraphon constellations – Path to Glory campaign rules that allow you to further the Great Plan and acquire Sacred Spawnings, plus a new battleplan and warscroll battalions for use in narrative play – Matched play rules, with four grand strategies, six battle tactics, and a core battalion unique to the Seraphon – A jaw-dropping showcase of Seraphon miniatures, along with a painting guide to prepare your cohorts for war